why do you ask?
because its thanksgiving.
that day where americans make an excuse
to stuff their faces because we are hogs and took over america.
way to go...us.
im talking to katiemac online right now via facebook chat.
shes says to discuss the possible things we should do for mikevs birthday.
which is on the 6th!
and hes going away to celebrate multiple villa birthdays.
his dad and gpa apparently.
thats crap and chimes ppl are way more important.
and hes going to miss THE PARTY OF THE YEAR.
at michelle and gails house...partyhardy.
i saw weds. night we celebrate.
or scare the crap out of him and then celebrate.
like steal his camera and then go on a scavenger hunt looking for it.
and at the end it will be a party! for him!
in the chimes office!
bahaha. brilliant.
i need to find a gift for my secret person santa angel thing.
wait what? anyways.
a picture album of me is in the running.
top 3...eeeh 2.
ok so just kidding.
its my only option right now.
ooor i could find something totally rad in sanfran.
like aids. in a bag.
OR something else thats really cool.
and katie
goodluck finding something fitting for your person.
good good good luck.
luck good. woot.
katie i love northern california.
its so sad youre the only one who reads this blog.
because its so enjoyable and well rounded.
you laugh you cry you get inspired.
you get mad. and you laugh.
its really for all audiences.
congrats to the CGB for the longest post of the year so far!
an editors note.
last post did not correctly state CGB. it said CBB perhaps.
well this IS the CHIMES GOSSIP BLOG.
cause thatd be stupid.
this is the latest gossip people.
mikes birthday...must be celebrated.
chimes party...going to be a good time i hope. i hope
there is drama to gossip about.
and there are bathing suites involved
which usually leads to drama.
i am t to the otally just flipping kidding.
and we should get mike
oh wait he has like 14 of those.
and lets all be reminded that
justin is engaged.
kyle cut his hair, PTL. hahaha. i just used that phrase.
guess what it means? just guess.
i was watching the news today
at alyssas grandmothers house. in northern california.
and on the news. was a team of astronauts
and one of them looked like longinow.
so im thinking.
is he in space right now?
because it REALLY looked like him.
breaking news:
longinow dropped the chimes
and is now in space.
and will be landing on earth in a few days.
happy thanksgiving.
i want to live in northern california
when i grow up.
which is in about 3 months
that when i shall grow up.
so biola drop out
here i come?
i could never leave the chimes.