Wednesday, May 27, 2009

the end, for no apparent reason.

one of my favorite clothing companies when i was a young lass decided to close down for no apparent reason. their sales were great, everyone loved them--they were at the top of their game. they wanted to end while business was good so they would be remembered fondly. a strange and interesting business concept, if you ask the average joe. although i cannot arguably state the same in regards to the CGB, i want to close down shop on a random, high note. [humming a high C#7...joke]

i have no reason to stop. well, lies.
it is summer. 
the chimes is over.
i am continually striving to grow up.
the concept of a gossip blog has caught on. 
thus, like any true hipster, i must move on before someone

alas, it has been enjoyable.
here's to late nights around bonfires.
jean cuffs filled with sand.
sleeping in and staying up late for no reason at all.
random text messages to make sure other biolans are alive.
continual facebook creeping.
monotonous summer jobs.
haircuts and dye jobs.
catching up with friends and missing those far away.
letter writing and photo taking.
family time and home cooked meals.

here's to it all.
this is the end, for no reason.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

a sidenote.

ex photo editor mike villa is in beantown.
we are (fingers crossed) rendez-vouzing on tuesday.

and sketchball,
i forgot to remind you the following important piece of information:
due to health and comfort reasons, i highly recommend
washing the green blanket before use.

in honor of mike villa and sketchball,

it is may 25th.

and 9 months ago an extremely significant event took place in my life.
i believe that i can truthfully state that i think about it almost everyday.
in comparison, it truly frightens me to think that nine months is the same
time length in which i will not see any of your shining faces.
nine months seems to be an eternity.

it is summer.
my keychain has lost weight in chimes keys,
and has gained weight in car keys.
we are no longer on a staff,
but i consider the cissel's to be the new and improved
staff that functions as a team.
we no longer eat in the caf,
but the kitchen down the hall
has a twenty-four seven open door policy.
although many factors of our biola lives have been
replaced with homely, more familiar assets,
it is sad to report that the chimes is irreplaceable.
it is over,
and thus i propose a question.
(if you still participate in the circulation of this high streaming blog)

where does the chimes gossip blog go from here?

death. a baton ceremony to a new staffer.
absolutely nothing. a transition into personal rants.
... all of these are valuable proposals, and should be taken into consideration.

feedback is necessary.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

i am not good at this.

i do not specialize in packing.
i am not good at saying goodbye. i am awkward and i usually run away.
i hate empty drawers. i do not like looking at empty bookshelves.
folding and sorting is downright awful.
spaces are supposed to be filled.

i do not specialize in giving speeches.
tonight i went to polly's pies with ten or so
of my closest friends. then there came an awkward
time of recognizing that i would be gone for nine months.
a speech was called for, and all i could say was that i had
to pee real bad. and that i felt real awkward. they laughed.
so i guess it wasn't half bad.
but nonetheless, nine months is a long time.
i feel blessed to have such beautiful friends.

people will grow. change. mature.
move on. make stupid decisions.
change their majors. get the internship they wanted.
go to foreign countries. fall in love.

i linger too much on the future,
the unspoken conversations i wish we had,
and the things that i will not be a part of.
call it a fault, i suppose.

please do not wait for me,
but please do not change too much.
leave some room for me when i get back.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


out of nowhere bigmac's boo
is trying to be a good boyfriend
and befriend all those on the chimes staff.

everyone please try to be friendly
and respectable towards Mr. Sans.

he's new around town.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

chimes story lyrics.

And I was young when I first started

I close my eyes and flashback starts,

I’m sitting there…in the office on a spinny chair

I see VJ, I see the cam-er-a poster,

I see Tamara make her way through the crowd,

She says Hello,

Little did I know,

That you were my advisor, and I was your student

And Longinow said stay away from majoring in art,

And I was crying in my dorm room,

Screaming “I just don’t’ knoooow”, and I said

Journalism is the only way to go

Tamara is waiting, taking pictures sounds so-so,

You’ll be the photographer, and Mike your new boss

It’s the Chimes story, baby it’s the best press.

So I sneak out to the office around 2:00

And I keep quiet cause I’m dead if they knew,

That I was a freshman,

Maybe ill freelance for a little while,

Cause I was freaking out, here’s my recommendation letter,

And Faith the editor said don’t you fret,

But the Chimes was everything it seemed,

And I was begging you please hire meeee, and I said

Michelle the new editor said congrats over the phone,

I’ll be the chief and I will sit on the journalism throne,

You be on staff, and Tina your accomplice,

It’s the Chimes Story, baby it’s the best press

Katie Mac, save me, try to fix my pages please

Quark isn’t working, and I want to go to eeeagles,

Save me from this PDF, get rid of the spinning wheel of death,

It’s the Chimes Story, baby it’s the best press

I got tired of waiting, wondering if Emily was ever coming back from Eagles,

My faith in her was fading,

When Michael came back with a breakfast burrito and I said,

Kelsey save me, put my pictures on the web

Copy keeps waiting, and the new website never comes

Mike’s ring tone is stuck in my head, remember when we wore pink,

Shalom knelt to the ground and Magically pulled out my ring and said,

Marry me Gail Patches, Siobhan how do you spell your name?

Kyle had flapper hair, chimes gossip blog is not in vain

I talked to Longinow, we won some awards and

New staff, take the AP Test, and let’s put it in the digest…

Good luck seniors, we’ll miss you when you’ve parted

a recap.

tonight was a reminder.
it was as if the entire night was capsulated
on one of katie mac's sticky notes to mikev.
one big list of reminders. here are a few:

i was reminded that staffers have talents and personalities
that are not revealed within the confinements of the office.
heng is one heck of a volleyball player, for instance.

i was reminded that it has been such a long year, filled with
struggles and questions. sorrows and emptiness.
teamwork and bonding. late nights and early mornings.
i have met many wonderful people that i am proud to call friends.

tonight i was reminded that when i am nervous
my voice quivers like no other, and i am not always
as out going as i want to be.
i was reminded that i am an awful volleyball player
(or at least a quitter when it comes to things I am not naturally good at)

i was reminded that Michelle has the most amazing sense of humor.
she is witty and undeniably charming.
an outstanding editor in chief.

tonight i was reminded that long tables
and conversation do not go hand in hand.

tonight i was reminded that Gail lives on the east coast
and has an amazing family of nine.

tonight i was reminded that people DO come back
and live and re enter Biola after studying abroad.
(lovely to see you Rachelle and your hair!)

i was reminded that chimes is all over.

i am not sure where this blog is going to go:
the secret is out.
although that was certainly my over all intention,
i cannot believe that it lasted this long.
it has been a long year,
a beautiful and enriching year.

to all you new readers,
welcome to the chimes gossip blog.
i hope this blog will be a reminder
to you that you were part of an amazing
family and team of people who
dedicate hours of their time each week
to enlighten the biola campus.

godspeed, chimes gossip bloggers.
have a beautiful and blessed finals week.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

chimes staff party.

today we will be galavanting to one of the best places known to mankind--the beach.
last night was the first time i had been to the beach this entire semester.
this made me propose the following questions to self: do i actually reside in california? why haven't i gone to the beach yet?
do i have any friends? etc.

today shall be a hoot and a half.
frolicking in the sand, possibly going in the ocean [heck no, techno for me.. i prefer east coast water]
perhaps a sing-a-long or two, dinner, and a hopefully some good conversation.

i cannot wait to dedicate the chimes song to chief.
i believe she will undeniably like it...
hopefully the rest of you can tolerate it OK.

see you all tonight.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sunday, May 10, 2009


jacob weinerschinitzehlfrischershwitz is on the naughty list.
he is not very nice to me, and i am sad by this.
although i believe in the end we have a mutual lack of
trust for one another, i really hope
you don't actually find my room and throw a waterballoon at me?
that'd be sweet if you forgot about that one. thanks.

peace and love people. thats what its all about.
none of that hokey pokey stuff.

kwattz party=huge hit.
we all ate our weight in amazing food,
and then conveniently danced it all off?

juicy gossip later.
it is so late
and i am a goner.

ps geocashing tomorrow.
katie and kelsey adventures are my fave.

oh and we're hanging out tomorrow
but it's not because were in a click
or want to exclude you.
unless you're first name is jacob,
then yes we purposely don't want you there.

happy mothers day, sam!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

bbq at kwattz casa.

be there,
or give your two weeks notice.

oh wait...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

the time is now.

tonight was the first time i actually stayed and watched a production night take place. although i enjoy spending time in the office on wednesday night, i feel as though my presence is not beneficial towards the ultimate goal of producing a newspaper by deadline. my volume tends to go up a few notches because the office is so darn quiet, and everything seems to be a little bit larger than life and i'd dare to say a lot funnier when in the office. alas, i blame this volume and humor problem on the vapor-esque drugs that are trigged to spray when the office door swings open.

i am one of the select individuals to receive the one-year-complimentary-chimes-staff-vapor-drug-ceremony every time i step into the office. and for that, i want to say thank you.

on a completely unrelated note, i am pleased to announce that Nathan Gentilin has chosen to continue stalking the Chimes for "a project he has for a anthropology class" (aka, the CIA). It was brought to his attention tonight that it would be beneficial for Nate to see the Chimes Staff of 2008-2009 outside of "the dark, and in the light" (Julianna, Copy Editor. New E.I.C.) I understand that the light and dark metaphor may be puzzling to some of you more literal readers, thus I will try my best to unfold this deep statement. The dark, I believe, is referring to a confined, physical location of the Chimes office (this is located on the upper portion of the Student Union Bulding--SUB) which coincidentally lacks proper light bulbs in some lamps and often produces a shady, dark aura over the work space. The light, I believe, is a metaphor for the real world (as in, not the MTV show). The world outside of the office.

Think about it people. Have you ever seen Julianna eat food? I haven't. Can Gail drive a car? I don't know--I've never seen her do it before. Does Kelsey actually go to Torrey sessions? Does Mike actually drum? Does Kyle actually have a CD? Does Katie actually have a sister named Laura? Is Siobhan really an international student?

These are burning questions. Questions that cannot be answered within the context of the darkness.

So I challenge you, staff of 2008-2009.
Stop being so darn mysterious, for crying out loud.
We have two weeks left. 1/4 of you are leaving us for good.
Get to know one another. Ask the tough questions.
Have lunch. Go on a photoshoot.
Ask her out all ready. Learn MIke's middle name.
Ask Kelsey what she wants to be when she grows up.
Ask Siobahnasfen how to spell her name for real.

Don't wait.
The Time is Now.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


she needs a blind date for a group blind date.
if you're a single male and you're reading this,
call her now.


thanks boys.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

kelsey heng.

one of my favorite people of all times.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

RIP chimes online.

we at the chimes are selfish and inconsiderate.
we are praising and celebrating a new website,
when the old one has been forgotten. it is alone, hurt,
and it has asked me to announce that a proper
burial is in order.

so, fellow chimes gossip bloggers, i propose the question.
do we care more about the beginning of a new era?
or the closing of a beautiful chapter?
we must commemorate both.

and for that, i have chalked the campus
with both Funeral and Party announcements.
We must be the voice to the voiceless,
and since the website is dead and has no voice,
we must properly bury it.
It was faithful, filled with pixels and photos, and mega-bytes,
and videos and audio and text, and...i dont know if i can go on.
the memories of that fateful site is hard to recall.
metaphorically speaking, my fingers are crying.

So on behalf of the dead website,
i am asking that we all wear black on Thursday.
and at noon, we will pause. i ask that each one of us
will take a 2 hour pause, and think about the good things
that the old site has brought us. the laughs, the joys, the memories.
(please note that I asked Sam if these hours would count towards
paid Chimes hours. He paused, choked up and shed a tear, and
with a deep sigh he let out a feeble and trembling "Yes...yes
they can count".

at the end of these two hours, i would ask that
you take another two hours and shift geers into
the joyous occasion of a new site. now we can
rightfully prepare for the party of the century (stolen from
the chalked quote from michael farr)

So, hottest funeral AND party of the year.
Are you ready, 2009? Can you handle it?
I know I can.
(except that I have U.S. history so I cant, kind of)

please note that the RIGHT side of the "magical journey to the chimes party"
chalked outside of the cafeteria leading up to the SUB is the BETTER side.
I read on CNN that if you go on the LEFT side of the hop scotch,
there is a possibility of catching the swine flu.
please be cautious in your hopping,
good luck and goodnight.


he's spying on us all.

Monday, April 27, 2009

in other news...

i hope the chimes doesnt catch the swine flu.
that'd be quite terrible.

i am very excited to reveal
the latest surprise that
i am currently working on
in dedication of the Chime staff.

please stay tuned.

sams girlf

is a princess.

and even has a beanie baby made after her.

Monday, April 20, 2009

burnt out.

It is not the most wonderful time of the year--Spring is a fascinating season
that produces an abundance of various emotions, fears, cancerous freckles, beach trips,
the Point deadline, proposals and newfound loves, banquets, end of the year huzzahs, etc. etc. etc.

As for the Chimes and Spring connection, it's safe to say that if they
both had a facebook page, they'd probably be in an "open relationship".

Staffers are getting burnt out. There is a loss of motivation.
Does the phrase "senioritis" hit home to anyone?

I am here to remind all of you faithful readers that there is hope.
Why? Well because Sam has a different relationship status as of recent.
Because the new website looks extremely professional. Because
Mike Villa is actually doing his homework. Because Beth continually
beats Kyle at cribbage games. Because the circulation of the Chimes
has increased. Not encouraged? Do you still feel hopeless?

As of this toasty (Big mac word choice) Monday,
we have 25 days of school left in the semester.
(but please don't quote me on that one, because
my mother's text message is the source of that information). WE CAN DO THIS.

I am beginning to feel slightly sad and remorse about
my chimes experience. I believe that this state of mind
always occurs when the end is in site--I can see the finish line.
New staffer positions have been filled.
The future seems bright for the Chimes.

But let's not forget about the here and now.
Let's appreciate the time we have together.
Let's finish strong and set the bar high.

I would like to close this blog with a quote.

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" Wayne Gretzky-- Michael Scott

Sunday, April 12, 2009

another one bites the dust. [kyle does]

its kyle's birthday on monday.
happy birthday my lefty friend.

i tried to reveal this blog to you at some point.
i think you gave up pretty easily, thus.
a birthday gift is in order.

so here's to you on the big day:
now you know the hottest blog on the street actually exists.
it's real. it's fresh. it's all about the chimes.

oh, and it's kind of a secret that is slowly leaking.

go red sox.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


spring break includes, but is not limited to, the following items:
reading, blogging, blog stalking, writing, journaling, eating fruit, drinking coffee, drinking tea,
watching movies, photo editing, creating the ukulele book, missing chimes (jk.) swimming,
hot tubbing, silence, quiet, playing with charlotte, photographing timmy the turtle, late night
cupboard hunting, church church church, easter celebrations, vista, tangerines, and chimes gossip blog.

i hope that everyone is having a great break thus far.
i am disappointed that this year i cannot continually yell in a "whoo girl" voice...
"SPRING BREAK '08". for starters, it's 09. and for an ender, it doesn't have the same ring to it.

happy trails, wherever this break may lead you.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

my dearest readers,

as most of you know, michelle won last year's award for America's best blogger.
her dedication, amount of blogs she contributes to, and the naturally ardent
passion she has with following blogs qualified her in the top 5 bloggers in the nation.

This of course, is a joke.
But today is her birthday, and I believe it is appropriate
to leak that this blog exists as a beautiful and unique birthday gift.

So. be on the look out for a new and dedicated blogger.
This may just put this blog in the big leagues, folks.

Speaking of... Sox won the big game opening day.
And the yankees lost, way to go sox. You're in first.
Even if they didn't win, the yankees lost.
But we won. So Boston is smiling.

Happy birthday Michelle.

i cant spell

siobahns name.
i dont even know if thats right.
shiiiooobannnnveb is how it is in my phone.
i guess thats kind of selfish of me not to learn how to spell her name.
i apologize for my rude behavior, my dear friend and new reader of the gossip blog.

in other related news,
i skunked kyle today in cribbage. aka,
i kicked his booty real bad. It's embarrassing, really.
I am now allowed to make jokes about skunks for the next few weeks.

No issue this week. oh drama.

Michelle's hair looked really pretty today all curly. way to go chief.

And MikeV, thanks for leaving your class (that i should have been in)
to figure out my CD-Photo dilemma. you're a real pal.

We saw the Mohlers today and I got to give Miriam the photos
from all the various encounters we've had--she seemed really thankful
and I hope they like the photos.

I hope to all those who read this that my level of intelligence does
not drop, or in no way does this blog indicate the type of writing I do
or not do. This blog is a silly outlet of pure joy that I like to share with
others in regards to the Chimes and the Chimes alone.

Red Sox opening day got postponed til tomorrow at 4:05.
total bummer, but rain will do that.

It's supposed to rain tuesday and wednesday.
glorious, some would say.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

i would like to give some shout outs.

Juliana: congrats. you da woman.

Michael: thanks for letting me use your lamp, that you made with your hands. piece by piece.

Michelle: I am glad we had lunch that one time. I really enjoy talking with you.

Rachelle: you are so far away.

Katie: you are the only one that reads this and for that I am smiling. hahaha. I love you.
and i owe you cookies, massages, a photoshoot, and ONE dare.

Emily: you are the new mascot.

Kyle: thanks for cribbage and tea. round II soon.

Kelsey: you have the best hair ever, and you are a great photographer. have i told you that?

Sarah: you are not on chimes, but i really like you anyways.

Job: you are crazy and your hair is huge.

Jacob: way to be a dancer and wear makeup.

Sam: give me your bag!

Mike: sorry.

Friday, March 20, 2009

vegas and london and such

so we went to vegas. a bunch of us.
some pretty hardcore journalism went down.

we all got into london.
one of the best days. today. thursday.
(weeeeell now friday)

but yes.
mike, katie, kelsey, sarah sundee, and myself. all chimesies...
off to London in the fall.
chimes should take a field trip?
to london? good plan.

i had lunch with michelle for the first time.
SHE IS AWESOME. i really like her.
it made me sad it was our first time
hanging out one-on-one.
NONETHELESS, she was really encouraging
and a good listener.
way to go, chief.

rachelle i hope you are doing well
in the abroad world of DC!

katie mac,
lets go to chick fil a soon.

emily, cut back on eagles!

and michael,
stop watching those soap operas
in the office about LA/the world
coming to an end.
i think i saw tears well up TWICE
in the office today.

its missions.
and theres no chimes.

it is




and just to clarify,
i did NOT flirt or attempt to flirt
with the ask axel muscle guy.
he is a yankees fan.
therefore, it is my duty
to harass him.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

i could be bias

but emily is a good
person to have around
in the chimes office.

last night we went
to eagles 4 times
with a different chimes person.
i dont know if she did anything,
but she certainly was good company
to those four people.

the apprentices have
been doing awesome.

its almost like a mini/cute battle
between them and everyone else.
almost like a race.

almost like star wars,
when they race.

i love star wars.

Monday, February 16, 2009

its raining a lot.

so much.
so much rain.
the rain in spain.
stays mainly in the... something.

sickness is going around.
everyone eat lots of oranges and vitamin C.
today i shared my orange with Sam.
i hope i didn't get him sick
but the vitamin C from the orange would
deflect the sickness, and his sick status
would become neutral once again.
also i want sams bag. really bad.
i told him to put it in his will in my name.
i dont think he found that funny,
but i did get a pity laugh.

cats are everywhere on campus.
good thing they're kind of cute.
too bad im allergic.

deadline was not met last week.
i have a few speculations as to the reasoning
behind this fault.

katie mac gave me sour watermelon.
for no reason.
she is a good friend.

lots of

new people.
all really cool.

lots of chimes hanging out,
outside of the office.
its been oh so nice.

big cat story this week.
breaking news for sure.

kyle gave some weird girl
a piece of his hair! it was gross.

school of education opening tomorrow.
and that dash around metzger.

la la la

hope everyone had a good valentines day.

Saturday, January 31, 2009


to the chimes gossip blog.

i hope this helps you feel more connected
with the lives of the chimes members.

bowling, new people, katies.

there are so many katies working for the job.
i dont know if i would want to be named katie-
my identity would feel threatened.

i want a chimes bowling league to commence ASAP.
and i want shirts. pronto.

all yall that left...yall are missed.
and rachelle--that photo of your face
is still on the big computer.

Monday, January 26, 2009

a new year

a new chimes outlook.
new faces.
i hear david west is a big deal or something.

oh and rachelle is gone. that is real sad,
cause shes awesome. and has really cool hair.

and collin and shalom are also gone.
that brings the boy to girl ratio waaay done.

well lots of new hair styles in the chimes.
beth dyed her hair, darker and with purple.
maybe shes emo and doesnt know it.

kyle still has flapper hair.
our opinions editor got a sweet perm deal.
apparently her hair was falling out.
so i will never go to egypt to get a perm. good advice, i think.

breaking news on CNN;
chimes practicum this semmy. pretty big deal.

we had a little retreat.
we really bonded.
with food and bowling.
best type of bonding.

chimes bowling league 09, represent.

this blog could start getting some heavy traffic.
so please limit your views to about 15 times a day,
rather than the usual half hour check up.

thanks so much.