Wednesday, May 27, 2009

the end, for no apparent reason.

one of my favorite clothing companies when i was a young lass decided to close down for no apparent reason. their sales were great, everyone loved them--they were at the top of their game. they wanted to end while business was good so they would be remembered fondly. a strange and interesting business concept, if you ask the average joe. although i cannot arguably state the same in regards to the CGB, i want to close down shop on a random, high note. [humming a high C#7...joke]

i have no reason to stop. well, lies.
it is summer. 
the chimes is over.
i am continually striving to grow up.
the concept of a gossip blog has caught on. 
thus, like any true hipster, i must move on before someone

alas, it has been enjoyable.
here's to late nights around bonfires.
jean cuffs filled with sand.
sleeping in and staying up late for no reason at all.
random text messages to make sure other biolans are alive.
continual facebook creeping.
monotonous summer jobs.
haircuts and dye jobs.
catching up with friends and missing those far away.
letter writing and photo taking.
family time and home cooked meals.

here's to it all.
this is the end, for no reason.

1 comment:

Sho said...

Hey. I kind of felt like you should have an English comment on this post. So Hi. I love you. My phone number is on this blog. sigh